Help Thou Mine Unbelief

Marvin McKenzie
Daily Visit With God
3 min readAug 29, 2020


Mark 9:24 (KJV)

And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.

Here is both belief and unbelief in one man. That same contradiction exists in each of us. Some people seem to have a lot or belief, but even in those of great faith, there is a measure of doubt, question, or unbelief. Some people claim not to believe at all. Outwardly it appears that they are purely atheists. The Bible, and frankly human experience, has convinced me that this is not strictly so. Among the most ardent unbelievers, there is a measure of belief, placed there by God. Many times, in extreme circumstances, those so-called atheists have their measure of faith rise to the surface and they too cry out to God.

I notice that this man says “Lord I believe” in response to the words of Jesus. “It thou canst believe, all things are possible to them that believe.” He has an earnest need, so he says the most natural thing, “Lord I believe.” If I may “embroider”[1] his words a bit, “Of course I believe. Why wouldn’t I believe? If I must believe, then I do believe.”

But I think maybe he had a second thought. His need was real, earnest, deep, intense. Saying he believed didn’t make it so. Willing himself to believe didn’t make it so. His heart longed for an answer and, in a moment of honesty, he realized saying he believes is not enough. He cried out once again, “Help thou mine unbelief.”

I wonder if reviving won’t come when we stop talking about how much we believe God and instead get on our faces and ask Him to help our unbelief?

[1] I recently heard someone use this term instead of “embellish.” I liked it.

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Mark 9:24 (KJV) Help Thou Mine Unbelief

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Marvin McKenzie
Daily Visit With God

Pastor, self published Amazon Author, avid student of the Bible. teacher of the Word of God in college level . Daily visit with God